
备有各种各样的液压缸出售, 50多年来,sb沙巴体育投注一直是美国领先的sb沙巴体育投注制造商和供应商.

sb沙巴体育投注sb沙巴体育投注sb沙巴体育投注制造行业公认的领导者. 在阿拉巴马州设有办事处, 乔治亚州, 密歇根, 和俄亥俄州,我们有各种各样的液压缸出售.


除了制造sb沙巴体育投注, sb沙巴体育投注sb沙巴体育投注还提供液压缸维修服务. 无论您使用哪种类型的sb沙巴体育投注,我们都可以提供维修,重建或更换服务. 请立即sb沙巴体育投注了解更多详情.



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sb沙巴体育投注大楼/仓库与液压缸出售如果你在建筑BOB沙巴体育登录工作, 制造工厂或土木工程BOB沙巴体育登录, 有时你可能需要使用液压执行器来完成一项任务. 使用机械执行器有显著的优点, 但它们并不适用于所有应用程序. You need to consider your project’s requirements carefully 和 the expertise of your crew to determine the best equipment. 以下是您需要了解的液压直线执行器:


液压缸, 也称为直线液压马达, 机械执行器是由流体静力能驱动的吗. 这些机械装置被设计成产生单向力, 通过推或拉. sb沙巴体育投注可以通过液压泵产生的静液能产生线性力. The pressurized fluid generates hydraulic power inside the cylinder at the rate at which this fluid moves inside the device.


液压执行器通过液压流体压力产生直接运动. Both single 和 double-acting hydraulic cylinders are used in a variety of commercial applications. 然而, many cylinders used in large-scale 制造业 or construction projects are double-acting because they have multiple ports 和 the pressure may be applied to either end of the device. 双作用致动器可以同时产生收放力. 另一方面, single-action configurations have only one port 和 create torque by allowing hydraulic fluid to flow into the cylinder in one direction.


液压缸是由多个机构组成的复杂装置. 所有这些部分一起工作,产生一个线性运动. 这些机制包括:

The end of the piston rod 和 the top of the cylinder are also fitted with clevis fitting to allow for angular movement of the device attached to the cylinder. The hydraulic pressure tubes are connected to the device through the provided openings on each cylinder’s end.


使用液压执行器有许多好处. 首先,sb沙巴体育投注产生的运动易于控制. The machinist does not need to stop 和 start the device multiple times 和 it is not necessary to change the cylinder’s speed over 和 over.

其次,液压执行器是理想的应用,需要平稳,稳定的压力水平. 因为压缩流体几乎是不可能的, 执行器的液压压力几乎没有变化. 恒定的压力水平允许机械师保持稳定的力和扭矩.

最后,液压缸耐用,可以在恶劣的条件下工作. They can h和le shock loads 和 are reliable in outdoor applications with regular temperature changes 和 extreme weather elements. 然而,在恶劣条件下长时间运行会影响液压性能. 因此,执行机构应该定期维修,以防止过早密封失效.


液压缸用于各种施工中, 制造和工程应用. 执行器在建筑行业中变得越来越普遍. 多种类型的设备, 包括推土机, 叉车, 杰克, 起重机和挖掘机使用致动器来产生直线运动. 在设施工业中,液压电梯采用大型复合伸缩执行机构. 在汽车行业,制动器用于制动鼓和卡钳.

sb沙巴体育投注sb沙巴体育投注是液压行业备受尊敬的领导者. 我们有许多液压缸出售,包括拉杆,BOB沙巴体育登录,轧机责任和气动. We can repair any type of actuator 和 we also specialize in building custom hydraulic devices for a variety of industrial applications.


用于建筑, 制造业, 矿业和海洋工业, a hydraulic cylinder is a mechanical actuator that can be used in any application that requires a strong push or pull force. sb沙巴体育投注为包括反铲挖掘机在内的重型设备提供动力, 自卸卡车和其他移动机械.

Hydraulic cylinders were first used during the Industrial Revolution to increase the output 和 mechanical capabilities of factories. 今天,sb沙巴体育投注被用于大多数需要重型设备来拉动和提升负载的行业.

液压缸由复杂的部件组成,使其能够产生动力. 系统的压力是由液压抽油机产生的. 另一个重要的机构是液压活塞. 抽油机和活塞决定了sb沙巴体育投注所能施加的压力.

如果您有兴趣购买液压系统, 有多种选择,包括拉杆, BOB沙巴体育登录和铣削sb沙巴体育投注. 寻找液压缸出售前, 您需要决定是单作用还是双作用sb沙巴体育投注最适合您的应用. 阅读下面的更多细节,以帮助您购买最好的sb沙巴体育投注为您的业务.


  • 连接杆sb沙巴体育投注 -拉杆sb沙巴体育投注用于许多制造过程,包括塑料, 冲压及铸造. 装有四根杆或螺栓的, these bolts connect the end of a double-acting cylinder to maximize the strength 和 stability of the configuration.这些螺栓还可以防止系统在施加压力时断裂. 连接杆sb沙巴体育投注 have seals that need to be replaced regularly to keep the system running optimally. Clevis mounts attached to both ends of the cylinder allow the unit to be attached directly to any piece of equipment.拉杆sb沙巴体育投注是重物起重的理想选择,因为它们的体积更大, 比其他配置更坚固的设计. 这种类型的设计也通常用于塑料制造和其他工业环境.

    These types of cylinders are ideal for companies that utilize a wide variety of machines because they can be easily interchanged 和 disassembled using a st和ard wrench. All tie-rod cylinders we sell are built to comply with National Fire Protection Association st和ards.

  • Mill-dutysb沙巴体育投注 -我们销售具有高负荷活塞设计的工厂液压系统. 由于这种设计,这些配置可以在恶劣的环境中工作. 轧机工作sb沙巴体育投注 are excellent for ensuring the safety of the operator as the safety mechanisms instantly lock the rod when the input pressure is lost or removed.这种安全功能有助于防止事故和其他故障. 轧机工作缸通常在2500 PSI或更低的压力下工作. 因此, they are not ideal for moving heavy loads or being used in 制造业 processes with high operating pressures.
  • BOB沙巴体育登录气瓶 – BOB沙巴体育登录气瓶 have a more complex design than other configurations 和 are used in a variety of industrial applications including milling 和 packing. 我们出售的BOB沙巴体育登录钢瓶是理想的,因为它们可以承受超过5的压力,000磅每平方英寸(PSI).They are also extremely compact so they can easily be used in mobile applications or in industries where space is limited. 这种设计的另一个优点是耐用. Welded applications have a long lifespan 和 can operate in difficult environments or in areas that have extreme weather. One disadvantage of a welded cylinder to consider is the complex design can make it more difficult to make repairs.

单演技vs. 双作用液压缸

Single-acting 和 double-acting hydraulic cylinders do not operate the same 和 are used in different machine applications. 您选择哪种类型取决于您如何需要sb沙巴体育投注在您的机器中发挥作用. 单作用sb沙巴体育投注在一个方向上产生推力和拉力, 而双作用sb沙巴体育投注则向两个方向产生力.

常用于起重应用, 单作用sb沙巴体育投注工作时,一个力将sb沙巴体育投注伸出,另一个力将sb沙巴体育投注缩回. Single-action configurations generally have one port for the connection 和 generate push or pull by allowing hydraulic fluid to pour into the cylinder in one direction. 然后,所携带的材料的重量使圆柱体缩回. Unlike other types of hydraulic systems, some single action cylinders do not utilize pistons at all. 许多汽缸只需要一个活塞杆就可以向外移动.

一种双作用sb沙巴体育投注制造技术, 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 至少有两个端口,并在两个方向上产生推力和拉力. The cylinder works by allowing the hydraulic fluid to enter through one end of the port 和 exit through the other. 这个过程引起机器的伸展和收缩. Double-acting applications can be used in any machine where a pressurized linear movement is needed.

它们通常用于移动行业,如收割机头部倾斜和臂架延伸. Both single 和 double-acting hydraulic cylinders are capable of causing an extension 和 a retraction in a machine. There are advantages 和 disadvantages to each type of system 和 which type of design you choose depends on the function of your business.


除了有各种液压缸出售, sb沙巴体育投注汽缸也为客户定制汽缸. 我们所有的定制配置都是在我们的St. 克莱尔海岸,密歇根工厂. We have refined our 制造业 process to ensure all systems we produce are high-quality 和 functional. 我们的制造流程详细如下:

  • 设计:制造过程的第一步是设计sb沙巴体育投注. We employ a talented team of hydraulic cylinder engineers that design units according to customer specifications. Our engineers consider the use of the system 和 where it will be operated during the design process. 液压系统的预期用途将决定采用哪种密封, 在制造过程中使用材料和涂料. 我们生产所有符合工业和联邦标准的定制液压系统.
  • 制造:一旦配置设计完成, 我们的工程师可以开始制造过程. We use specialized machinery to ensure cylinder rods 和 other parts of the unit are produced using accurate measurements. 我们用浓缩铬涂层所有汽缸杆,以增加配置的寿命.
  • Fitting: After 制造业, our experts fit all of the components of the hydraulic system together. 我们使用特定的设备来确保杆,密封件,活塞和管精确地配合在一起. 一旦系统正确安装和组装, 该机组被送到检验部门进行测试.
  • 测试:在液压系统交付客户之前, 该装置经过了严格的测试过程. We perform load, pressure 和 load tests to make sure all components are working together properly.
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